Thursday, May 27, 2010

I'm not going to the chapel but I am...

...going to get married tomorrow at 4pm at an undisclosed outdoor location with just immediate family (my parents and Southern Man's parents and siblings) in attendance.

[this is the graphical representation of how I feel]

While I know this is rather personal to be sharing (although as regular readers will note, I've been sharing more personal news on this blog since major life events seem to keep popping up and hitting me in the face), this particular bit of personal information is actually quite apropos of this blog because I am an Asian American woman marrying a white American man.

Even more specifically, I am a divorced, born in NYC but raised in the Bay Area of CA, Chinese ancestry, Jamaican culturally identified, transplanted to the southern U.S. feminist scholar-activist marrying a born and raised in the U.S. South Italian American/Scotch-Irish American no-longer-practicing/former-alterboy-Catholic, fluent-in-Spanish white ally.

Our household and now our combined extended families are truly a mixture of various races, ethnicities, cultural and religious influences, and sexual and gender identities.

So I'll be busy picking up folks from the airport, finalizing details on all the festivities this weekend, and just plain enjoying myself because I'm with those nearest and dearest to me celebrating the union of myself and Southern Man, who is an exceptionally amazing person.

When the dust settles I'll try to come back with something interesting and insightful. Unfortunately it will coincide with the beginning of a new chapter of my life: chemotherapy (yep, that begins the week following the wedding--sigh).

But that's to worry about next week--for now, I'm just enjoying myself!


  1. Congrats!!!

    Oh, and don't forget to bring some Dixie Cups.

    May you "never be lonely anymore."

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I love the description of you and your southern man!!! I wish you many many years of wedded bliss!! Blessings all around!

  3. Jennifer: I hope the wedding is amazing! Best of luck and blessings to you and Southern Man. I wish you all the happiness!

  4. congrats. i liked the description you gave of you and southern man; a true joining of families.

  5. belated Congratulations & Felicitations! Hope you had a lovely wonderful day, and wishing you strength for the chemo. Hope you are sneaking in a honeymoon first.

    Reading, lurking, and sending good thoughts your way!

  6. Congrats! I just found your blog, so going through all your old entries now. Nice to know that it has a happy ending, so far :-)

  7. Wonderful, wonderful! May your lives together be filled with joy and humble triumph. Mazel tov!

  8. Thanks for all the well wishes my friends! It was truly one of the happiest days of my life--I couldn't stop grinning! I may put up a photo where you can only see the backs of us because they photos turned out so well--and I loved the dress I was wearing! And because the truth is: I love weddings. I feel sappy and politically unprogressive saying that--perhaps this is why I feel so strongly in wanting queer marriages to be legalized--because I think for those of us who want to engage in such matrimonial ritual, there can be something very special in publicly joining yourself to another.

    Ok, enough sentimentality--don't worry--I'll be back to my hard nosed self soon enough! After all, the cancer and chemo stuff is mad enough to make me spit!

  9. Ok, I came late to the party because It's been a few months since I last read this blog -but I am both very happy and excited for you. Congrats!

  10. Jennifer-
    I've been M.I.A. while in China, because this site (and all blogspot sites) are inaccessible for me out there. But I'm back for a while, and just started catching up.

    Obviously, I missed a lot, and I just want to send you some belated support and well-wishes as I hear about your current hurdles.

    However, this is a happy post, and so I want to focus on sending you a late "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" Wishing you a long, prosperous marriage with as much double-happiness as you can handle. Oh - and some conscious, well-raised hunxue'er children, to boot.

    -the CVT
