Monday, November 30, 2009

Give it up for Alexander Hamilton

Finally, that small intersection of spoken word fans and Colonial American history buffs can come together and give it up for Lin-Manuel Miranda and his appreciation for Alexander Hamilton:

[tip of the hat to Tenured Radical]


  1. Very clever! I was able to tolerate a rap song for 4 minutes! *Marks calendar*

  2. Genepool,
    You can't tell me that you don't like "Rapper's Delight" (Blondie) or "Busta Move" (Young MC)--two fairly inoccuous "rap-like" songs.

    Anyway, I will mark my calendar and see this as a challenge to find other songs to challenge you with!

  3. I have always loved spoken word but this took the cake. Very very awesome.

  4. Alex,
    I know what you mean--apparently he's doing an entire SHOW based on Alexander Hamilton--guess I'll be making a trip into NYC to see it!
