Thursday, February 14, 2008

Some links to look at

I'll be in blog-silence for a week since I'm leaving for Jamaica tomorrow (read the above post--I'm doing a two-fer today) and I thought I'd leave you with a few links to look at--things I would have, essentially, blogged about/commented about if I were around.

And since I won't be around, this also means that if you do leave a comment between the 15th and 21st of February, it will sit, unmoderated, for a week, but I do promise to publish it and respond when I return!

OK, here they are (click on the name of the blogsite/website to get to the link):

*For all you political junkies, a great post by What Tami Said about the respective post-Potomac speeches by Barack Obama and John McCain (with video links to their speeches). Great analysis by Tami about the messages embedded in their words.

*Part I of a Rachel's Tavern post on "Myths About Intra-racial dating"--I like the way she turns the perspective on its head--it's something I always try to do myself when thinking about a problem or controversial issue.

*A call on C.N. Le's site for white fathers of mixed-race children to participate in a podcast on "Mixed Chicks Chat"--it's the first time I've heard of this site, so I can't vouch for it, but it looks interesting, and they did an event at the Japanese American National Museum, which is a site I really like.

*Speaking of the Japanese American National Museum, I'm sure that they are preparing for events and exhibitions to commemorate Executive Order 9066, which FDR signed on February 19, 1942, the order that allowed the military to enforce the removal and incarceration of Japanese Americans to internment camps on the West Coast. There is SO MUCH to say about this topic...I can't even find the right adjectives to express my sorrow, dismay, anger, disgust, horror, and shame that this happened and that TOO FEW of us know the details about the internment. For instance, there is no mention of race in the language of Executive Order 9066--it was up to the military to interpret WHO they deemed to be a military threat, but the order effectually suspended the constitutional rights of every person, citizen and non, living on the West Coast of the U.S. after February 19, 1942. The fact that the military chose only to target people of Japanese ancestry for mass forced removal/incarceration is, of course, what led to HR442 in 1987--a federal recognition and apology for the illegal internment and reparations (in terms of money but more importantly education) for the suspension of constitutional rights of Japanese Americans and the awful precedent that this has set.

Anyway, for more on the Japanese American Internment, go to the DENSHO site--they actually prefer the phrase "Japanese American Incarceration" and I respect them for that, but I have my own reasons for preferring "internment," imperfect as it is.

*In celebration of Black History Month, I thought I'd include this link to a history of African Americans in golf on the site Golf For Everyone. Especially note the "Caucasian Clause" which was in effect from 1946-1961. This timeline puts into perspective just why a figure like Tiger Woods is so important to the world of golf and the world of sports.

*Finally, a hilarious look on Racialicious on what NOT to do to celebrate Black History Month. I think too many of us know what it's like to be Caroline in this short video piece. Kudos to the filmmakers for this great send-up that uses humor to make an important social commentary and to also tackle white privilege.

See you next Friday!

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